Calming the Chaos with Sarah

Let's Talk Holistic Hormones and Gut Health with Marisa Faye

Sarah Young

Hey hey mama! Being dismissed and untreated is VERY COMMON in the medical industry. There is a real lack of information available for true balancing of the body and healing.  Today's guest, Marisa Faye, is a Holistic Hormone and Gut Health expert. On today's episode, Marisa talks to us about how true healing is not putting a bandaid on a symptom but instead getting to the bottom of the likely deeply rooted issue underneath. She shares how we can take the best of both worlds and blend western medicine with eastern functional medicine.

Marisa Faye is a women's hormone and gut health expert specializing in Hormone Issues like PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Weight Loss Resistance, IBS, Endometriosis, Hormonal Acne and essentially any symptom a woman is dealing with that she can't figure out. Marisa is the founder of a robust online nutrition and wellness practice supporting women all over the world through her Meal Plan & Exercise Coaching App, her DIY Gut & Hormone Healing Course - the Balanced Hormone Blueprint and one-on-one transformative private client services.

After spending years trying to figure out her own hormone and gut symptoms and seeing countless providers and practitioners, she took her healing into her own hands. Marisa has completed tens of thousands of hours of education, training, mentorship and practice in functional nutrition and holistic healing. She holds a masters degree in public health, board certification in holistic nutrition, certification in functional nutritional therapy, certification in functional lab testing and interpretation, certification in hypnotherapy, and certification in yoga & meditation. Marisa is based in Denver, Colorado with her trusty sidekick, her cat Luna, and is honored to help other women reverse and reduce their symptoms so they can live a life with more joy and ease.

You can find Marisa
@ her website
@ her Free 3 Day Hormone Training
@ TikTok

I'm Sarah - a wife, homeschooling / unschooling mom, and a neurodiverse woman who has battled autoimmune disease my whole life. I am fiery and fierce and have a passion for helping other mamas learn to trust their gut and learn to be the best advocate they can be for themselves and their children!

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I support moms of medically complex and neurodiverse kids. I have found that often special needs moms feel isolated and overwhelmed so I created the Calming the Chaos of Special Needs Motherhood Membership where you can feel validated, supported, and confident. You will get trainings from experts, support and connection in this amazing community. They say it takes a village and we would love for you to be a part of ours! Ready to check it out?!